How to install database diagram support programmatically

In the previous article we discussed about how migrating a database diagram into another database. In this article I’ll quickly show you how to install database diagram support. As mentioned in the” How to copy or migrate database diagrams into another database” article, we need to install database diagram support to be able to see the migrated database diagrams. We also explained a very easy way to install database diagram support from SSMS in the “How to store a SQL Server database diagram into a file and share it with others?” article. Now, assume that we want to migrate the database diagrams into several SQL Server instances. It seems that it might be better if we can implement the whole process programmatically. This was exactly my question when I wanted to deploy several database diagrams from a database hosted in development environment into a copy of that database hosted by test or UAT (User Acceptance Test) environments. For instance, just assume that there are a bunch of database diagrams created by developers in development environment. So, you’ll have an exact copy of the database structure in test environment. Your testers need to use the database diagrams created by the developers. So far, so good. This part of the challenge is covered in the previous articles. However, we still need to install database diagram support manually and this is what we don’t like! The solution is really easy. Run the following code and you are done! You can also add the following code to the execute SQL task from your SSIS package if you decided to implement the solution in an SSIS package (take a look at “Migrating database diagram by creating a simple SSIS package” No. 8).

Continue reading “How to install database diagram support programmatically”

How to copy or migrate database diagrams into another database

We discussed in one of the previous articles called How to store a SQL Server database diagram into a file and share it with others?”   we can store database diagrams in files and share the files with others. In this article I’m describing very fast and easy ways to make a copy of existing database diagrams into another database. The possible scenarios are:

1.       We want to create a copy of database diagrams into another database in the same SQL Server instance

2.       We want to make a copy of database diagrams in another instance of SQL server

In both cases we need to have write access permission on the destination database.

Migrating database diagrams between two databases in the same instance

We just need to run the following T-SQL script:


IF OBJECT_ID(N’dbo.sysdiagrams’) IS  NULL


              CREATE TABLE dbo.sysdiagrams


                     name sysname NOT NULL,

                     principal_id int NOT NULL,

                     diagram_id int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY,

                     version int,


                     definition varbinary(max)

                     CONSTRAINT UK_principal_name UNIQUE






EXEC SYS.SP_MS_MARKSYSTEMOBJECT ‘sysdiagrams’ Creating a system object


Insert into sysdiagrams (name,principal_id,version,definition)

select name,principal_id,version,definition from SOURCEDB.dbo.sysdiagrams



The above solution works even if you did not install diagram support and you’ll have the copy of diagrams in place immediately after installing diagram support. To install database diagram support:

1.       Expand the destination database

2.       Right click on “Database diagrams”

3.       Click “Install Diagram Support”

Continue reading “How to copy or migrate database diagrams into another database”

Digging into SQL Server 2012 columnstore index

The SQL Server 11.0 release (code named “Denali”) introduces a new data warehouse query acceleration feature based on a new type of index called the columnstore. Columnstore indexing is officially announced in SQL Server 2012. It is working based on xVelocity memory optimised technology and it improves data warehouse query performance significantly. Due to the fact that data warehousing, decision support systems and business intelligence applications are growing very quickly, we need to be able to read and process very large data sets quickly and accurately into useful information and knowledge. Columnstore index technology is especially appropriate for data warehousing data sets. It improves the common data warehousing queries’ performance significantly.

Continue reading “Digging into SQL Server 2012 columnstore index”

How to send more precise SSIS logs (errors) through email

First of all you need to read my previous article called “How to send SSIS logs (errors) through email” as the processes are pretty the same. However, you need to create some changes in the Execute SQL Task (ref.: section “J” number 5 and 12 of “How to send SSIS logs (errors) through email”). As an Execute SQL Task is used to collect the logs stored in SQL Server you need to be familiar with parameter mapping in Execute SQL task and know how it works. Assume that we need to just send the “Error” logs that are happened between “Event Handler Start Time” and the current time for the current package execution. As you can imagine it is slightly different from what we did in the previous article to email the SSIS logs to the system administrators. As there was just one system variable that we mapped in parameter mapping section in the Execute SQL Task. But, here we need to have one more system variable mapped to a parameter. Please note that we are using OLEDB connection to connect to the SSIS log database that we created before to store SSIS logs. So there are some important points with OLEDB Connection and Execute SQL Task parameter mapping and its SQL statement.

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