I wrote some other posts on this topic in the past, you can find them here and here. In the first post I explain how to create “Time” dimension with time bands at minutes granularity. Then one of my customers required the “Time” dimension at seconds granularity which encouraged me to write the second blogpost. In the second blogpost though I didn’t do time bands, so here I am, writing the third post which is a variation of the second post supporting time bands of 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min and 60 min while the grain of the “Time” dimension is down to second. in this quick post I jump directly to the point and show you how to generate the “Time” dimension in three different ways, using T-SQL in SQL Server, using Power Query (M) and DAX. Here it is then:
Time Dimension at Second Grain with Power Query (M) Supporting Time Bands:
Copy/paste the code below in Query Editor’s Advanced Editor to generate Time dimension in Power Query:
Source = Table.FromList({1..86400}, Splitter.SplitByNothing()),
#"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(Source,{{"Column1", "ID"}}),
#"Time Column Added" = Table.AddColumn(#"Renamed Columns", "Time", each Time.From(#datetime(1970,1,1,0,0,0) + #duration(0,0,0,[ID])), Time.Type),
#"Hour Added" = Table.AddColumn(#"Time Column Added", "Hour", each Time.Hour([Time]), Int64.Type),
#"Minute Added" = Table.AddColumn(#"Hour Added", "Minute", each Time.Minute([Time]), Int64.Type),
#"5 Min Band Added" = Table.AddColumn(#"Minute Added", "5 Min Band", each Time.From(#datetime(1970,1,1,Time.Hour([Time]),0,0) + #duration(0, 0, (Number.RoundDown(Time.Minute([Time])/5) * 5) + 5, 0)), Time.Type),
#"15 Min Band Added" = Table.AddColumn(#"5 Min Band Added", "15 Min Band", each Time.From(#datetime(1970,1,1,Time.Hour([Time]),0,0) + #duration(0, 0, (Number.RoundDown(Time.Minute([Time])/15) * 15) + 15, 0)), Time.Type),
#"30 Min Band Added" = Table.AddColumn(#"15 Min Band Added", "30 Min Band", each Time.From(#datetime(1970,1,1,Time.Hour([Time]),0,0) + #duration(0, 0, (Number.RoundDown(Time.Minute([Time])/30) * 30) + 30, 0)), Time.Type),
#"45 Min Band Added" = Table.AddColumn(#"30 Min Band Added", "45 Min Band", each Time.From(#datetime(1970,1,1,Time.Hour([Time]),0,0) + #duration(0, 0, (Number.RoundDown(Time.Minute([Time])/45) * 45) + 45, 0)), Time.Type),
#"60 Min Band Added" = Table.AddColumn(#"45 Min Band Added", "60 Min Band", each Time.From(#datetime(1970,1,1,Time.Hour([Time]),0,0) + #duration(0, 0, (Number.RoundDown(Time.Minute([Time])/60) * 60) + 60, 0)), Time.Type),
#"Removed Other Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(#"60 Min Band Added",{"Time", "Hour", "Minute", "5 Min Band", "15 Min Band", "30 Min Band", "45 Min Band", "60 Min Band"})
#"Removed Other Columns"
Time Dimension at Seconds Grain with DAX Supporting Time Bands:
Create a calculated table using the DAX expressions below:
Time (DAX) =
GENERATESERIES(1/86400, 1, TIME(0, 0, 1))
, "Time", [Value]
, "Hour", HOUR ( [Value] )
, "Minute", MINUTE ( [Value] )
, "5 Min Band", TIME(HOUR([Value]), FLOOR(MINUTE([Value])/5, 1) * 5, 0) + TIME(0, 5, 0)
, "15 Min Band", TIME(HOUR([Value]), FLOOR(MINUTE([Value])/15, 1) * 15, 0) + TIME(0, 15, 0)
, "30 Min Band", TIME(HOUR([Value]), FLOOR(MINUTE([Value])/30, 1) * 30, 0) + TIME(0, 30, 0)
, "45 Min Band", TIME(HOUR([Value]), FLOOR(MINUTE([Value])/45, 1) * 45, 0) + TIME(0, 45, 0)
, "60 Min Band", TIME(HOUR([Value]), FLOOR(MINUTE([Value])/60, 1) * 60, 0) + TIME(0, 60, 0)
Time Dimension at Seconds Grain with T-SQL Supporting Time Bands:
Running the following T-SQL script in SSMS creates a new “Time” table within the current database. The code below doesn’t check for an existing “Time” table though.
;WITH GenerateInt AS
SELECT id + 1
FROM GenerateInt
WHERE id < 86400)
, GenerateTime AS
SELECT Dateadd(second, id, '1900-01-01') [Time]
FROM GenerateInt)
, DATEPART(HOUR, [Time]) [Hour]
, DATEPART(MINUTE, [Time]) [Minute]
, DATEADD(MINUTE, (((DATEPART(MINUTE, [Time]) / 5) * 5) + 5), '1900-01-01') [5 Minute Band]
, DATEADD(MINUTE, (((DATEPART(MINUTE, [Time]) / 15) * 15) + 15), '1900-01-01') [15 Minute Band]
, DATEADD(MINUTE, (((DATEPART(MINUTE, [Time]) / 30) * 30) + 30), '1900-01-01') [30 Minute Band]
, DATEADD(MINUTE, (((DATEPART(MINUTE, [Time]) / 45) * 45) + 45), '1900-01-01') [45 Minute Band]
, DATEADD(MINUTE, (((DATEPART(MINUTE, [Time]) / 60) * 60) + 60), '1900-01-01') [60 Minute Band]
INTO [Time]
FROM GenerateTime
Do you find this post useful? Have you used any of these methods before to handle the “Time” dimension? Do you have a better idea? Please share it with us in the comments section below.
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